Jenkins and Gerrit Trigger for the win

I had quite a few problems setting the workflow as follows: I’d make a change in ansible files, and push them to a git behind Gerrit Gerrit would trigger Jenkins with the new commit, and Jenkins would apply the linter on the committed files. If all is good, the files are send upstream to Rundeck that than picks the nodes …

Rundeck jaas-ldap and policies

Had a few hit&miss recently with a Rundeck instance, so I thought I might share it: the jaas-ldap should look something like this if you’d like it to work with 389-ds ldap { com.dtolabs.rundeck.jetty.jaas.JettyCombinedLdapLoginModule required ignoreRoles=”True” debug=”True” contextFactory=”com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory” providerUrl=”ldaps://″ bindDn=”CN=Directory Manager” bindPassword=”passgoeshere” authenticationMethod=”simple” forceBindingLogin=”true” userBaseDn=”OU=People,DC=my,DC=example,DC=com” userRdnAttribute=”uid” userIdAttribute=”uid” userObjectClass=”inetOrgPerson” userPasswordAttribute=”userPassword” userLastNameAttribute=”sn” userFirstNameAttribute=”givenName” userEmailAttribute=”mail” roleBaseDn=”OU=Groups,DC=my,DC=example,DC=com” roleNameAttribute=”cn” roleMemberAttribute=”uniqueMember” roleObjectClass=”groupOfUniqueNames” cacheDurationMillis=”300000″ reportStatistics=”true” cacheDurationMillis=”0″ reportStatistics=”true” …

Issues with memberOf plugin for 389-ds

I needed an LDAP server, fast, so I installed a 389-ds on an Ubuntu 18 LTS. One of the most irritating and not so well described necessities there is a memberOf plugin. Turning it on in the Configuration -> Plugins section was not enough to make it work after a restart. A few more things should be done, namely: in …

Timeouts of an elasticsearch 7.x on a weak CPU

I managed to run an ELK node on a pretty old and otherwise useless laptop, an old AMD E1-7010 APU with AMD Radeon R2 Graphics based Asus, that I beefed up to 10G of RAM. If you experience a ton of the following messages: Oct 26 13:18:26 localhost systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating. Oct 26 13:18:27 localhost systemd[1]: …